Thursday, June 17, 2010

Need help deciding what to do with my hair! Please help.?

I am thinking about getting a haircut sometime this week. I need some help deciding what to do with it. Here is a picture of me. It's an old picture, but my hair looks like that still.

I have curly hair, so I want something that will be easy to fix.

I thought about doing something like this:

Please let me know what you all think and if you have any other suggestions please feel free to share them. I am up to almost anything. I just really want something new and fresh.

Also, do you think I should do something with the color of my hair.

Thanks in advance.

Need help deciding what to do with my hair! Please help.?

I like the second pic because i love Mandy Moore and she has great style, but i Love the 3rd Pic and think that the 3rd style would look great on you and also that style has more body and movement if you did want to change your hair colour i wouldn't do anything too drastic because it's a pretty nice colour now but if you did defiantly want to change it i would go with a nice caramel or honey blonde colour or a golden light brown as it would suit and accent your facial features and your skin type. Good Luck Hope that Helps :)

Need help deciding what to do with my hair! Please help.?

hey i like the last hairstyle. i think i might get somethin like it. its cute

Need help deciding what to do with my hair! Please help.?

I like the 2nd and 3rd ones. I like the second one because your face is kind of shaped like Mandy Moore's. I would bring in all 3 pics to your stylist and they can consult you on which one would look best with your face shape and which would be easiest to maintain as well. Good Luck!

Need help deciding what to do with my hair! Please help.?

it would look fab on you xxx

Need help deciding what to do with my hair! Please help.?

Definately the first one! (Kirsten Dunst) get the colour aswell it will look really soft and pretty with your colouring, and will look fabulous in the Summer!

Need help deciding what to do with my hair! Please help.?

I Think that the 3rd one (charlize theron) would look the best I like the color alot too.

Need help deciding what to do with my hair! Please help.?

i say the 2nd one u would look good with hair like that u could eventry starighten ur hair sometimes :))))

Need help deciding what to do with my hair! Please help.?

do the charlize theron one i like that one the others just look more older i would do charlize theron hope i helped

Need help deciding what to do with my hair! Please help.?

i like the second pic and the third pic but the first pic was ewww

Need help deciding what to do with my hair! Please help.?

I like the second one. I think it would look really nice on you.

but i also agree that you should bring in all three pictures with you and see what your stylist thinks.

p.s. the picture you answered my question with...that is totally the haircut that i got last time i went in to get my hair cut.

i brought that same picture with me.

Need help deciding what to do with my hair! Please help.?

The last one is sooo cute. U have to get that one done. Thanks for answering my question earlier.

Need help deciding what to do with my hair! Please help.?

i like all 3.

but the last is the best.

Need help deciding what to do with my hair! Please help.?

I'd say the second one with mandi moore or whatever her name is. I would def. say that it would look the best on you, p.s.thanks for your help on my question. :)

Need help deciding what to do with my hair! Please help.?

i loved the cut and color of the first and last pic =]

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